About First

Thank you for visiting Lancaster First United Methodist Church! You are always welcome. The United Methodist Church has many doors through which people share in serving God and others. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey.

Our Mission:

Loving God and Loving All People 

Making Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World

Core Values
  • Radical Hospitality
  • Passionate Worship
  • Intentional Faith Development
  • Risk-taking Mission
  • Extravagant Generosity
Safe Sanctuaries
Safe Sanctuaries allows our sanctuaries, classrooms, mission encounters, camps, retreats, and all spaces where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of trust.  Safe Sanctuary Policy

Lancaster First UMC

163 E Wheeling St.

Lancaster, Ohio 43130


Crossroads Ministry Center

2095 West Fair Ave.

Lancaster, Ohio 43130