April 2022: 

For over 100 years, generations have worshiped the Lord at our 163 E. Wheeling Street sanctuary. Three years ago, we pledged to maintain this sacred space through our “Invest in the Future” capital campaign. Through your prayers and sacrificial giving, we’re now ready to begin working on a portion of the most critical needs of our historic structure.


Pending contractor availability, the trustees expect that, in Fall 2022, work will begin on upgrading major plumbing and electrical systems. This requires removing and replacing the floor in the basement. Because all equipment in Fellowship Hall will need to be removed, some aging kitchen equipment will also be replaced. We are as excited as you are for this work to begin.


We know there is still more to do to maintain our historic house of worship. This first phase represents about a third of the preservation tasks. Future items include HVAC equipment and restroom upgrades. However, as we knew from the beginning, more funding will be needed to continue with these phases. For specifics on the current or planned future phases or if you would like to give towards these future phases, please see: https://www.love-first.org/capital-campaign/


We give God thanks for all he has done. Together we’ve started on an exciting journey to conserve this historic structure so future generations can continue to learn and grow in their faith.


Grace and Peace,

Dan and Aubrey Neeley

Wes and Laura Osborn


What is a capital campaign?

Our capital campaign is an intense effort to raise funds to raise funds to make necessary repairs to our mechanical systems – heating & cooling and plumbing – that will impact our ministries for years to come.
Our campaign will be carried out from June 2019 through May of 2022 to gather at least $1.5 million in pledges. Financial commitments will be paid over three years (2020-2022) and are considered over and above annual giving for operating costs.
All commitments will be gathered on May 19, 2019.

 Current Basement Layout

  1. Our boiler, which was state of the art in 1910 and converted to gas furnaces in the 1950s, is no longer capable of maintaining a comfortable worship and working environment. A retrofit to add air-conditioning was done in the 1980s and a computer controlled zoning system was added about 20 years ago. Those systems are now obsolete.
  2. We’ve also had major plumbing leaks and sewer backups over the past five years.
  3. In some cases, like with a grease interceptor used in the church’s kitchen, contractors are no longer willing to service our out-of-date and difficult to access systems.
  4. The current plumbing and HVAC are also having an impact on our day-to-day operating budget. The church has spent almost $100,000 in emergency break-fix repairs over the past 10 years.

Planned Basement Layout

The funds raised through this capital campaign will replace ALL plumbing and HVAC systems at our primary worship facility at 163 East Wheeling Street.

Foundation for the Future

Our capital campaign will be carried out through the Spring of 2022 to gather at least $1.5 million in pledges. Financial commitments will be paid over three years (June 2019 – May 2022) and are considered over and above annual giving for operating costs. All commitments will be gathered on May 19th.
Please join us for these special Sundays as we celebrate our church and prepare for our investments.
You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.
II Corinthians 9:


April 21 – Gratitude Sunday
April 28 – Prayer Walk & Open House
May 1, 2, & 4 – Advance Commitment Gatherings
May 5 – Ministry Appreciation Sunday
May 12 – Generosity & Sacrifice Sunday
May 19 – Commitment Sunday
June 2 – Announcement Sunday & Celebration
June 9 & 16- First Fruits Offering

Campaign Prayer

Dear Father God, all we have is a gift from You. We thank You for the generations of blessings that You have bestowed upon First United Methodist Church. Stir up our passion, courage and commitment for the work ahead in this campaign. Let a zeal for Your church consume us, not for our glory, but Yours. Help us remember that this is Your project, not ours. Open our hearts and minds, now and always, to respond to the calling “Lord what do You want to do through me.” Encourage us to give up our worldly desires and possessions to make more room for Jesus in our lives. Inspire us through the biblical story of the widow who gave her last coins, knowing that God recognizes the giving of not an equal share, but an equal sacrifice. By listening to your will, may this campaign leave a legacy, not of pipes and plumbing, but of Your love for this community.


What is Invest in the Future Capital Campaign?
This campaign will allow our church to continue to serve our congregation and community for the Kingdom of God. We pray that through this campaign, we’ll strengthen our connection to God, each other, and our community. Success will only come when we have frankly and openly answered the question “Lord, what do You want to do through me?” The funds raised through this capital campaign will replace ALL plumbing and HVAC systems at our primary worship facility at 163 East Wheeling Street.
What changes will we see to our worship and ministry facilities at 163 East Wheeling Street?
The required changes to plumbing will result in relocating bathrooms on the lower level and making those facilities handicap accessible. Because the bathrooms will be moved to areas currently used by the bell choir, these choir rehearsal spaces will be relocated to the Spirit Hall. The new children’s room would be located roughly where the chancel choir rehearses now. This would offer a new permanent home for Sunday morning children’s programming. The previous lower level bathroom locations will be converted to storage spaces. Other spaces may have minor remodeling in order to gain access to the plumbing and/or HVAC systems in need of replacement. Blueprints with the proposed changes are available for review on our website.
What is the campaign timeline?
As a church, we’ll be reflecting on God’s gratitude starting in April. We’ll be telephoning all members and asking them to pray about the campaign starting April 7th. Commitment cards will be received May 19th. The giving of financial commitments will begin June 2019 and go through May 2022.

What can you do?

1. Pray: Lord, what do You want to do through me?
2. Participate in the special Sundays leading up to Commitment Sunday.
3. Complete pledge form and bring it to church on Commitment Sunday, 5/19/2019.

Have questions or concerns? Contact our capital campaign co-chairs:

Dan & Aubrey Neeley: dna@theneeleys.net   740-974-3455
Wes & Laura Osborn: wesandlaura@gmail.com   614-664-9377