Caring Ministries

Caring ministries take care of the people within our church congregation.

Congregational Care Gathering and Training

There will be a short gathering and training opportunity for all persons active in the Caring Ministries, and for those who are interested in Visitation Ministries, Care Calls, Card Ministry, and Second Saturday Sweet Visits. Please watch for the date and time in the September Circuit Rider, and contact Judy Hug with any questions or concerns.


Card Ministry – What a blessing to have received so many donations of card-making supplies for our Card Ministry to remember those who are homebound during the holidays! If you would like to become involved in this important ministry, contact the church at 653-3330 and talk with Lisa Schenck (ext 1008) about making cards, or Judy Hug (ext 1009) about helping with addressing and preparing for mailing or to be paired with someone whose situation might be  brightened by receiving a card regularly. One recipient recently wrote to the church after receiving one of your cards: I want to thank you all for the birthday card that you sent to me. The card meant the world to me – thank you again.

Blood Pressure Screening – has Returned!

Blood Pressure Screening has returned. The intent of this ministry is to provide participants with a reliable blood pressure reading for their personal use when visiting their care provider. Please visit Room 14 in the parlor on the first Sunday of each month between services. If you are a person trained in offering blood pressure screening with a digital monitor and would like to volunteer for this important ministry, contact Judy Hug at 653-3330 ext 1009 or judyhug@love-first.

Visitation Ministers Needed! Training Provided!

Visitation can be scary, especially if you don’t know the person you are to visit. There are solutions!

  • Send a greeting card – no special occasion necessary; your contact is special enough!
  • Make a quick phone call – just to say ‘hi’ and to ask if the member/friend might have something for which you and your family can pray.
  • Prepare a small gift bag of cookies and/or candies, with a scripture or short note.
  • Take a friend when you visit!
  • Make arrangements with Judy Hug, Caring Ministries Coordinator, to visit a member/friend with her.

How do you express a loving concern for others?

There are many wonderful ways in which to show God’s love and yours to others in our church family and in our community. Hospital Visitations are important in reminding those that are experiencing illness, injury or recovery that God is with them, and so is their church family! Two local facilities have requested monthly worship experiences from our church – a beautiful way in which to involve your family or small group or just yourself in bringing God’s word to others unable to attend worship among us.  

Baby Quilters
This group works on quilts that are given to Fairfield Medical Center’s newborns. All quilters are welcome.
Coordinator: Judy Goslin
Cards of Care
Cards of support are sent weekly to those who have been hospitalized. Please sign the cards found in the parlor & Wheeling Street entrance.
Family Concerns Committee
Families who have lost a loved one gather after the funeral and are served dinner by this group of volunteers. Volunteers also prepare and donate food for the meal. Coordinator: Donna Waugh
Hospital Visitation Team
This team is composed of trained lay volunteers who visit Fairfield Medical Center on a rotating schedule. Along with the pastors, they provide a caring visit to members and friends of the congregation who are hospitalized. The team meets quarterly for updates and reviews.
Coordinator: Judy Hug
Sharing Hearts
A ministry of reaching out to those who are in nursing or assisted living facilities and those at home who are less active. You can partner to visit a certain person, or visit all from our church family who live in a particular facility. You can also show care by sending cards.
Coordinators: Rev. Dr. Brian Jones and Susie Griset
Communion at Home
A ministry of volunteers taking communion monthly to persons who cannot attend worship and would like to receive it in their homes.
Coordinator: Judy Hug

Sweet Treat visits, a Second Saturday ministry, delivers homemade cookies, fruit, candies and a prayer to those who are homebound. How can YOU be involved? YOU can donate cookies, fruit or soft candies (including sugar free) to be distributed – YOU can help create packages of items for delivery – YOU can help in delivering the Sweet Treats bags to our members/friends who are homebound. Sweet Treat visits remaining for 2023 are scheduled October 14, November 11, and December 9. Hope to see you there!

Health & Wellness Ministry
This ministry helps raise awareness of the relationship between health, spirit, and wholeness. Blood pressure screenings are available on Sunday mornings between services.
Prayer Ministry
A group that supports the congregation and those in need through prayer. Prayer requests are sent to participants by email. Prayer Calendars are available each month in the parlor and on our Resources page for personal devotional use. The Chapel has a prayer journey to guide your prayers.
Rose Ministry
People who have lost a loved one meet the first Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at Rising house to share lunch and fellowship with special programs. Resources on grief are provided to those recently bereaved.
Coordinator: Clarice Foglesong
To contact any of these coordinators, please refer to your church directory, or call the church at 740-653-3330.
If you are in the hospital or having an upcoming surgery or a procedure, please call the church at 740-653-3330 during our business hours to let us know! After hours, please notify Sarah Holley so that we can pray for you!
In response to the many precautions concerning the spread of COVID-19, our Hospital Visitation Team will suspend all visits until further notice. This is a temporary situation to protect ourselves as those we would be visiting and the community in general.
Know that God is in charge and watches over all that is happening around us as this pandemic continues to take shape. Continue to be the church in your devotional life; pray for those individuals, communities and countries affected by this disease, and be aware of your own health needs.
I offer this prayer found on
Abba Father,
Protect us, Oh God, from the fear and isolation we face as familiar American institutions begin shutting down in an effort to protect us from this worldwide disease. It is often in moments like this that we find comfort in being with one another and, yet, many of those options are being temporarily removed. In their place, Lord, help us to seek your face. Help us to model Christ, who often retreated to quiet spaces to seek solace and intercede on behalf of others. Give us insight into ways we can celebrate community from a distance. Help us to pray for our neighbors, co-workers—and even our enemies. Show us how to best make use of these unexpected “time outs.” Amen.