Caring Ministries
Congregational Care Gathering and Training
There will be a short gathering and training opportunity for all persons active in the Caring Ministries, and for those who are interested in Visitation Ministries, Care Calls, Card Ministry, and Second Saturday Sweet Visits. Please watch for the date and time in the September Circuit Rider, and contact Judy Hug with any questions or concerns.
Blood Pressure Screening – has Returned!
Blood Pressure Screening has returned. The intent of this ministry is to provide participants with a reliable blood pressure reading for their personal use when visiting their care provider. Please visit Room 14 in the parlor on the first Sunday of each month between services. If you are a person trained in offering blood pressure screening with a digital monitor and would like to volunteer for this important ministry, contact Judy Hug at 653-3330 ext 1009 or judyhug@love-first.
Visitation Ministers Needed! Training Provided!
Visitation can be scary, especially if you don’t know the person you are to visit. There are solutions!
- Send a greeting card – no special occasion necessary; your contact is special enough!
- Make a quick phone call – just to say ‘hi’ and to ask if the member/friend might have something for which you and your family can pray.
- Prepare a small gift bag of cookies and/or candies, with a scripture or short note.
- Take a friend when you visit!
- Make arrangements with Judy Hug, Caring Ministries Coordinator, to visit a member/friend with her.
How do you express a loving concern for others?
There are many wonderful ways in which to show God’s love and yours to others in our church family and in our community. Hospital Visitations are important in reminding those that are experiencing illness, injury or recovery that God is with them, and so is their church family! Two local facilities have requested monthly worship experiences from our church – a beautiful way in which to involve your family or small group or just yourself in bringing God’s word to others unable to attend worship among us.
Sweet Treat visits, a Second Saturday ministry, delivers homemade cookies, fruit, candies and a prayer to those who are homebound. How can YOU be involved? YOU can donate cookies, fruit or soft candies (including sugar free) to be distributed – YOU can help create packages of items for delivery – YOU can help in delivering the Sweet Treats bags to our members/friends who are homebound. Sweet Treat visits remaining for 2023 are scheduled October 14, November 11, and December 9. Hope to see you there!