Welcome to Lancaster First United Methodist Church!
We’re so excited to have you join us for worship. Whether you prefer a traditional or a more contemporary service, small group, or large congregation, we have many options for you and your family to worship and grow in your faith
Traditional Worship – Sundays – 9 a.m.
Praise Worship – Sundays – 10:30 a.m.
Learn more about our services
Lancaster First United Methodist Church (FUMC) is a historic United Methodist Church that welcomes everyone regardless of race, creed, gender, sexuality, background, religion, or lack of religion, truly every person is welcome here. We are dedicated to nurturing everyone and helping them grow in their faith journey with Christ.
What are the services like?
Sunday Celebration Worship (9 a.m.) includes hymns led by our pipe organ, use of hymnals, music from our choirs, pastors wearing robes, and other elements sometimes considered to be “traditional.”
Sunday Praise Worship (10:30 a.m.) includes praise songs and hymns led by our praise band and singers, with most songs and group readings projected on a screen. Pastors usually don’t wear robes, and they present a Children’s Time where the children gather in the front of the sanctuary.
Both worship times follow the week’s theme/topic, united by the reading of the same scriptures and presentation of similar sermons by the preacher of that week.
What should I wear?
You’ll experience a big variety in what people choose to wear to worship at First UMC! From the more formal suits and ties and dresses to the very informal shorts and t-shirts, there’s a little bit of everything. Wear what you feel to be appropriate for you when you worship.
Where should I park?
There is a large parking lot (with several handicapped parking spots) on the corner of Mulberry and High Streets right next to the downtown church building, and a smaller parking lot across Wheeling Street from the church (next to the Rising House). There is also a significant amount of on-street parking on all of the streets surrounding the church building.
What is available for my kids at service?
Children are completely welcome in any of our worship services! We believe the sight (and sounds!) of a family worshiping together is an awesome blessing! There are activity bags available to help occupy any that might become restless. Our 10:30 Sunday worship includes a Children’s Time for children to receive their own special message. During our Sunday worship times, we also offer Sunday School for various ages and childcare through age 4 for those who prefer that option. Children’s Ministry Page
If you have children 6th-12th grade click here for our youth program: Youth Page
Who is there to welcome me?
We will soon have a team of greeters at our north High Street entrance (an elevator entrance is immediately adjacent to that entrance) and at our Wheeling Street entrance to meet you with a smile as you enter the building and point you toward our sanctuary or Sunday School rooms. Additionally, a team of friendly ushers is in place in our sanctuary to help as needed.
Is there coffee or refreshments available?
In the Parlor, right next to our sanctuary, we provide coffee
and donuts!
Want to learn more? We would love to chat!
Contact us
First UMC
163 E. Wheeling St.
Lancaster, OH 43130
Crossroads Ministry Center
2095 W. Fair Ave.
Lancaster, OH 43130
Safe Sanctuaries
Safe Sanctuaries allows our sanctuaries, classrooms, mission encounters, camps, retreats, and all spaces where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of trust. View our Safe Sanctuaries policy Safe Sanctuaries