Children’s Ministries

The Education and Mission Team plans and coordinates the educational opportunities and the mission outreach programs for children through grade six.  Safe Sanctuaries allows our sanctuaries, classrooms, mission encounters, camps, retreats, and all spaces where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of trust. View our Safe Sanctuaries policy Safe Sanctuaries

Classes resume September 8.

In case you missed the 2023
Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday: What we said for each person:
May God bless you as you go back to school. May you remember that God is with you always—in good times and tough ones. And may you know that in all things, God loves you more than you can ever imagine. Back to School Prayer (Pastor Amy): O God, it’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again—time when the school buses will begin to travel our streets, when children will pack up their bookbags, and teachers and school staff and administrators will make plans for the year. The first day of school is coming. As families move into this new season, we pray for your blessing to be with parents, students, and school staff alike. It’s time for a fresh start, a new beginning- may each one find friends who care for them, learning that stretches them, and opportunities to grow closer to You. When things get difficult, may they feel Your presence—those of us who have finished our school days remember how hard the days can be- tests and bullies and the sometimes awkward feelings of growing up. We pray that school will be a safe place- where all are valued and cared for, nurtured and loved.